Steps to Christ Study Guides
Steps to Christ:
Few books exert so great an influence in the uplifting of humanity as has Steps to Christ. This small book has has been printed in more than one hundred and sixty languages, bringing inspiration to thousands of men and women throughout the world. Since the printing of the first edition in 1892, millions of copies have been distributed to meet the demand from people all around the world.
In just thirteen short chapters, you will discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You will read about His love for you, about repentance, faith and acceptance, growing to be like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus.

Please honor the copyright on the Steps to Christ Study Guides. Phone or text me at 562-208-4589 if you find that changes need to be made to any of the materials.

Each lesson is a combination of your specific "Bible Version" pages (KJV, NKJV or NIV) and "Common Pages" (See the headings below). The individual Bible Version pages all have the same common pages.
Print EACH page of the lesson guides on both sides of one piece of paper (front and back). After printing the first side, place the paper in the printer so the TOP of the page on one side matches the TOP of the page on the other side when the second side is printed. The back side should not be printed up-side-down. After printing both sides, cut the pages in half to make two 8.5” x 5.5” lessons.
If you would like to order these study guides already printed and placed in a binder, please call or text me at 562-208-4589. Indicate how many study guides you would like and what Bible versions they should be.
Scripture pages (download one)
Common Pages (download all)
 IP. Instructions and Paragraphs:
   I. Introduction
  1. God’s Love for Man
  2. The Sinner’s Need of Christ
  3. Repentance
  4. Confession
  5. Consectration
  6. Faith and Acceptance
  7. The Test of Discipleship
  8. Growing Up into Christ
  9. The Work and the Life
10. A Knowledge of God
11. The Privelege of Prayer
12. What to Do With Doubt
13. Rejoicing in the Lord


Download for each chapter.

   IP. Instructions & Paragraphs
   I. Introduction
  1. God’s Love for Man
  2. The Sinner’s Need of Christ
  3. Repentance
  4. Confession
  5. Consecration
  6. Faith and Acceptance
  7. The Test of Discipleship
  8. Growing Up into Christ
  9. The Work and the Life
10. A Knowledge of God
11. The Privelege of Prayer
12. What to Do With Doubt
13. Rejoicing in the Lord

The following PowerPoint slides (ver. 2016, 16:9 aspect ratio) correspond to each chapter for the materials above. A downloadable (.pdf) copy in the New King James Version (NKJV) is now available. The King James Version (KJV) and the New International Version (NIV, Rev. 2011) will be available in the future.
 IP. Instructions and Paragrahs
   I. Introduction
  1. God’s Love for Man
  2. The Sinner’s Need of Christ
  3. Repentance
  4. Confession
  5. Consecration
  6. Faith and Assurance
  7. The Test of Discipleship
  8. Growing Up into Christ
  9. The Work and the Life
10. A Knowledge of God
11. The Privelege of Prayer
12. What to Do with Doubt
13. Rejoicing in the Lord